Taraweeh Prayer in Ramadan: (Step by Step Guide)

taraweeh prayer

Ramadan is about spiritual growth and connection. The Taraweeh Prayer is essential this month. Beginners must know what this prayer means and how to do it. The aim is to provide an overview of Taraweeh’s history and importance in Islam and give precise directions on how to pray taraweeh prayer, including the number of rakats and recitations.

The benefits of Taraweeh and how it might improve Ramadan spirituality are also covered in this blog. We will boost your confidence and knowledge of Taraweeh. Join us in exploring Taraweeh’s beauty to enhance our relationship with Allah and enrich our spiritual lives throughout Ramadan.

What is Taraweeh Prayer?

Muslim spiritual growth and connection with God are exceptional during Ramadan. Taraweeh is a vital prayer this month. This prayer is optional but highly recommended and meaningful to Muslims worldwide. The Taraweeh dates back to Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) era. The word Taraweeh means ‘rest’ in Arabic, referring to the short breaks taken during the prayer. Ramadan’s Taraweeh prayer is right after the Esha prayer. 

There are usually taraweeh prayer rakat, which varies in each Islamic community (Firqa). People pray in mosques, but you can also pray at home. Tarawaeh prayer at home provides privacy and flexibility to connect with God.

Meaning and Origin of Taraweeh

The basic meaning of the word Taraweeh is “rest and relax.” These are called Taraweeh because our ancestors mostly relaxed after two or four rakats. These prayers are often called “Qiyam-Ul Layl” (the night prayers) because they can be performed till midnight.

The origin of this prayer dates back to Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) ‘s era. These prayers were offered for three consecutive days by Prophet P.B.U.H. Many people joined the prophet in this prayer, and on the fourth day, they didn’t arrive at the mosque. They offer their taraweeh prayer at home. 

These words were spoken by the prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) at that moment

“Nothing prevented me from coming out to you except the fact that I feared that it would be made obligatory for you.”

A Short History of Taraweeh prayer

history of taraweeh prayer

The Taraweeh prayer is a special prayer in Ramadan. Muslims do it every night and read long parts of the Quran. It makes them feel closer to God. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) started Taraweeh, but he didn’t make it a must.

At first, Prophet Muhammad led Taraweeh prayers himself. But he stopped to make sure they stayed optional, not required. After that, everyone prayed on their own.

Later, Caliph Umar (R.A) saw people praying alone. He brought them together to pray as a group under one leader. This made Taraweeh like it is today – a group prayer, but still optional.

After Taraweeh, Muslims like to pray more, ask for forgiveness, and talk to God quietly. This time feels peaceful and helps them feel spiritually strong.

Since the beginning of Islam, Taraweeh has been a time for Muslims to relax and feel connected. It helps bring Muslims together and lets them focus on the Quran during Ramadan.

Special Taraweeh Duas in English & Arabic

Here is a special dua e Taraweeh in both English and Arabic:

Taraweeh Dua After Every 4 Rakats In Arabic:

سُبْحَانَ ذِی الْمُلْکِ وَالْمَلَکُوْتِ ط سُبْحَانَ ذِی الْعِزَّةِ وَالْعَظَمَةِ وَالْهَيْبَةِ وَالْقُدْرَةِ وَالْکِبْرِيَآئِ وَالْجَبَرُوْتِ ط سُبْحَانَ الْمَلِکِ الْحَيِ الَّذِی لَا يَنَامُ وَلَا يَمُوْتُ سُبُّوحٌ قُدُّوْسٌ رَبُّنَا وَرَبُّ الْمَلَائِکَةِ وَالرُّوْحِ ط اَللّٰهُمَّ اَجِرْنَا مِنَ النَّارِ يَا مُجِيْرُ يَا مُجِيْرُ يَا مُجِيْر۔

Taraweeh Dua in Arabic

Taraweeh Dua English After Every Four Rakats:

“Exalted is the Possessor of the hidden and the manifest dominion. Exalted is the Possessor of Might, Greatness, Reverence, Power, Pride, and Majesty. Holy is the Master, the Living, the one who neither sleeps nor dies—All-perfect, All-holy, Our Lord, and the Lord of the angels and the souls. O Allah, grant us refuge from the Hellfire. O Granter of refuge, O Granter of refuge, O Granter of refuge.”

Taraweeh Dua in English

Common Duas After Taraweeh Prayer 

Here are some common dua Taraweeh in English and Arabic:

Dua for Seeking Forgiveness From Allah (Astaghfirullah)

English: “O Allah, You are forgiving and love forgiveness, so forgive me.”

Arabic: “اللَّهُمَّ أَنْتَ الْعَفُوَّ تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي”

Dua in Taraweeh Prayer for Acceptance of Worship (Rabbana Aatina Fiddunya Hasanah)

English: “Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.”

Arabic: “رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ”

Dua After Taraweeh Prayer for Guidance and Righteousness

English: “Our Lord, grant us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.”

Arabic: “رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ”

How to do Taraweeh Prayer

how to do taraweeh prayer

The Taraweeh prayer is a special prayer performed by Muslims worldwide during the holy month of Ramadan. Muslims have to gather in group worship right after the Isha (night) prayer. The prayer has been recognized for its spiritual significance and the tradition of reciting the Quran throughout the month. Here is a thorough and step-by-step guide to doing the Taraweeh prayer Ramadan:

1. Preparation:

Make Wudu (Ablution): You must know how to perform Traweeh prayer but before that you must be ensure that you are in a state of cleanliness. Perform ablution by washing your hands, mouth, nostrils, face, arms, head, and feet.

Set Your Intention (Niyyah): Mentally prepare yourself for the Taraweeh prayer. You do not need to vocalize your intention for Taraweeh prayer, but it should be clear in your mind that you are about to perform Taraweeh.

2. Performing Taraweeh Prayer:

Start with Isha’s Prayer: Taraweeh is performed after the Isha prayer. Begin by completing your Isha prayer, which includes 4 Rakats of Farz, followed by 2 Rakats of Sunnah and 2 rakats of nafl.

Begin Taraweeh: After completing the Isha prayer, your intention should be to start the Taraweeh prayer. Taraweeh is prayed in sets of 2 Rakats each. The total number of taraweeh prayer rakats can vary according to tradition, with standard practices being 8 or 20 Rakats.

3. Performing Rakats:

Recitation: Start each Rakat by saying “Allahu Akbar” and folding your hands under your naval. Say ′SubhanaK-Allahumma wa bihamdiKa, wa tabaarak-asmuKa, wa ta-‘aala jadduKa, wa la ilaaha illa ghayruK’. Recite Surah Al-Fatiha followed by another Surah or verses from the Quran.

Ruku and Sujood: After the recitation, perform Ruku (bowing down) by saying “Allahu Akbar” and placing your hands on your knees. Say “Subhaana Rabbiy-al-Adheem” three consecutive times in the rukku. 

Stand straight after this and say “Sami-Allahu liman hamidaH Rabbana laKal hamd” then go into Sujood by saying “Allahu Akbar”. Say ‘Subhaana Rabbiy-al-Aalaa’ in the first sajood three times. Sit back after this by saying “Allahu Akbar.” 

Take a moment’s break and then return for a second sajood by saying “Allahu Akbar.” Recite ‘Subhaana Rabbiy-al-Aalaa’ again three times. Stand up and repeat the same process for the second Rakat.

Tashahhud: After completing two Rakats, sit for Tashahhud (testification of faith). Finish the set by turning your head to the right and saying “Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah” (peace and mercy of Allah be upon you).

Continue in Sets: Continue performing the prayer for Taraweeh in sets of 2 Rakats each. Between sets, you may pause for rest or to make personal supplications (Du’a).

Completion: Once you have completed the desired number of Rakats, conclude your Taraweeh prayer with the Tasleem (“Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah”) to both sides.

4. Bonus Points:

Recitation: During Taraweeh, it is important to recite more than 1 ‘Para’ of the Quran to finish it before Ramadan’s end.

Praying at Home: When you want to perform Taraweeh prayers at home, you have to select between praying alone or with family members. You may also decide to recite from memory or read straight from the Quran. Let’s see how Taraweeh prayer can be offered at home with proper steps.

How to Pray Tarawih at Home

how to pray tarawih at home

To pray Tarawih prayer at home, follow this step-by-step process:

  1. Intention (Niyyah): 

Begin with the intention of praying Tarawih prayer. This doesn’t have to be spoken but should be a conscious intention in your heart. 

  1. Perform Isha Prayer: 

Start your nightly prayers with the Isha prayer, which is four Rakahs (Farz).

  1. Begin Tarawih:

After completing the Isha prayer, start the Tarawih prayer. Tarawih can be prayed in units of 2 Rakahs. While there is flexibility in the number of Rakahs, traditionally, 20 Rakahs are performed, or 8 Rakahs depending on the practice followed. You can offer your taraweeh prayer at home with your family members.

  1. Recitation:

In the first Rakah, after Surah Al-Fatiha, recite a portion of the Quran that you have memorized. It can be a short Surah (chapter) or a few verses. it is not mandatory for you to recite the whole Quran in Taraweeh prayer at home.

In the second Rakah, repeat the process with a different portion of the Quran after Surah Al-Fatiha.

  1. Taslim: 

Complete each set of 2 Rakahs with the Taslim (“Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah”) to the right and then to the left.

  1. Rest and Reflection: 

After every 4 Rakahs, you may take a short break for rest and reflection. This is a good time for personal supplication (Du’a).

  1. Continue the Process: 

Continue praying in units of 2 Rakahs until you have completed your intended number of Rakahs for the Tarawih prayer at home.

  1. Witr Prayer: After completing the Tarawih prayer, conclude your nightly prayers with the Witr prayer, which is one Rakah and serves as the closing prayer of the night.

Taraweeh Prayer Niyat in English and Arabic

The Niyat (intention) for Taraweeh prayers is not fixed to specific words, as it is the niyat (intention) in the heart that counts. However, a commonly used niyat in English and Arabic is:

In English: “I intend to perform the two Rakats of the Sunnah of Taraweeh for the sake of Allah, facing the Kaaba.”

In Arabic: نَوَيْتُ أُصَلِّي سُنَّةَ التَّرَاوِيح رَكْعَتَيْنِ لِلَّهِ تَعَالَى مُسْتَقْبِلَ الْقِبْلَةِ

Meaning in English: This means that you are making the intention to perform the Sunnah Taraweeh prayer,  with the purpose of seeking closeness to Allah. You acknowledge that you are facing the Qibla, and you are committing to this practice for the duration of the holy month.

Benefits of Taraweeh Prayer

benefits of taraweeh prayer

Ramadan prayer Taraweeh offers several benefits to all Muslim Ummah around the world. Below, we mention some of the best benefits of Taraweeh.

1. Improves Physical Health

Taraweeh prayer is performed in four physical steps; standing, bending, prostrating, and sitting. These movements work different muscles, making you more flexible, strong, and enduring. Doing Taraweeh regularly can make your heart healthier because of the moderate exercise.

Improves Physical Health

Gentle stretching and bending can also help with digestion, which is helpful during Ramadan when meals are more significant and are eaten late at night. Additionally, the physical activity from Taraweeh can help fix your sleep schedule during Ramadan.

2. Encourages Spiritual Reflection

Taraweeh’s power is to connect with Allah spiritually. Muslims purify their hearts and minds throughout Ramadan to seek forgiveness and guidance.

Taraweeh helps believers focus on their lives, confess sins, and improve their religion in a community environment.

3. Fosters Community Bonding

Muslims gather at mosques for Taraweeh during Ramadan. These prayers make a strong bond between communities. Despite their differences, people feel bonded by worshiping together. Muslims develop empathy, support, and understanding through collective prayer.

4. Improves Quranic recitation and understanding

During Ramadan month, Muslims recite the complete Quran during Taraweeh prayers. This allows the Muslim community to connect with the holy text and recognize its teachings. Hearing the Quran may inspire people to follow its lessons. This typically motivates Muslims to follow Islamic principles.

5. Enhances Mental Well-being

Taraweeh prayers calm the mind and reduce tension with their repetitive rhythm. Hours of worship provide emotional relief from daily stress. 

This mental break is beneficial during Ramadan, a time of significant spiritual and physical discipline. Taraweeh’s peacefulness can boost mental health and resilience.

Common Mistakes to Avoid During Taraweeh

common mistakes to avoid during taraweeh

Taraweeh prayers are a significant part of Ramadan for Muslims. Muslims make a lot of mistakes between Taraweeh prayers. Here is a breakdown of some common mistakes to avoid during Taraweeh.

1. Looking Around During Taraweeh

Distractions can be a big problem during prayers, especially in a prayer like Taraweeh. Looking around can disrupt your focus and others, too. Islamic teachings say to look down at where you pray to stay focused. 

This helps reduce distractions and makes you more devoted. In a mosque during Taraweeh, things can be busy with people coming in late or moving around. It’s important to discipline yourself to stay focused to achieve Khushu, a deep sense of humility and devotion in prayer.

2. Lack of Concentration

Khushu, or prayer distraction, is frequently triggered by daily problems or plains. This may affect prayer’s spirituality. Prepare mentally before the Ramadan Taraweeh prayer to improve concentration. 

Learning the meanings of the Surahs or doing Dhikr (remembering Allah) might help focus the mind. Practicing mindfulness and meditation when not praying may help you focus during prayers.

3. Excessive Socialising

Ramadan nights at the mosque promote unity. However, too much socializing before or during Taraweeh prayers can break the spiritual environment. Socializing should be balanced with worship. Having meaningful and islamic conversations outside prayer times might help keep Taraweeh’s prayers holy.

5. Inappropriate Dressing

Appropriate dressing for Taraweeh prayers is about respecting worship and the mosque. Islamic rules on modesty apply to men and women, who should cover their bodies adequately. Wearing loose and modest clothes helps create a focused prayer atmosphere. It also shows respect for the divine without speaking.

6. Ignoring Proper Tajweed

Tajweed is a set of rules for pronouncing letters correctly and applying traditional recitation methods. Paying attention to Tajweed during prayer Taraweeh, where the Quran is recited extensively, is essential. 

Proper Tajweed makes the recitation beautiful and ensures accurate pronunciation of Allah’s words. Even in small ways, improving recitation can enhance the worship experience and personal connection to the Quran.

Tips for Ramadan Taraweeh (Tarawih) Prayers

tips for ramadan taraweeh prayer

Here are some tips to help you make your Taraweeh prayers best in Ramadan.

1. Do Not Fill Your Belly to Bursting Point at Iftar Time

Overeating at Iftar can make you feel uncomfortable, tired, and unable to focus during Taraweeh. Begin your fast with dates and water, then have a balanced meal. The son of Adam does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Adam to eat a few mouthfuls to keep him going.

2. Try to Avoid Spicy/Smelly Foods at Iftar Time

Eating smelly or spicy foods can make Taraweeh prayers uncomfortable for you and others, especially when praying at the mosque with a group. It’s important to stay clean and consider others’ comfort when praying in Islam.

3. Don’t Sit or Lie Down After Iftar

After you eat, it’s better to do light activities like walking or getting ready for Taraweeh prayers. This helps with digestion and keeps you awake for worship at night. It’s a good time for personal reflection and between eating and praying.

4. Read an English translation of the Qur’an step by step each day.

Reading the Quran’s teachings during Ramadan can enhance your spiritual experience. A translation can help you understand the verses recited during Taraweeh prayers if you speak something other than Arabic. This will help you gain information and become more mindful and self-aware at some stage in prayers.

5. Save Up Some Dua.

In Ramadan, prayers are much more likely to be accepted. Prepare unique prayers some taraweeh dua transliteration to recite at night, especially the Taraweeh prayer Dua. These prayers can be for personal development, forgiveness, health, and the well-being of your family and the Muslim community.

Last Words

To summarize, Taraweeh prayer is a unique and meaningful activity during Ramadan. This beginner’s guide explains its importance and how to do it. Everyone can take part in this worship confidently if they focus on intention, recite specific verses, and remain respectful. Remember, consistency and sincerity are essential for making the most of this act of devotion. May your Taraweeh prayers bring you peace and attract you closer to Allah this holy month!


Is Taraweeh Compulsory for Females?

Taraweeh is not compulsory for females. It is considered a recommended act, not mandatory for either men or women.

How Long is Taraweeh Prayer?

The length of Taraweeh prayer can vary, but it typically involves 20 rakats (units of Islamic prayer), and the duration can range from 1 to 2 hours, depending on the pace and length of recitation.

What Time is Taraweeh Prayer?

Taraweeh prayer time starts after Isha and can continue until just before the Fajr prayer (pre-dawn prayer).

How Many Rakat Taraweeh Prayer in Makkah?

In Makkah, the Taraweeh prayer typically consists of 20 rakats, followed by three rakats of Witr prayer.

Taraweeh Prayer Sunnah or Nafl?

Taraweeh prayer is considered sunnah mu’akkadah (emphasized sunnah) for both men and women. It is a highly recommended act but optional.

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